Monday, October 21, 2019

How insisting Asperger's is different from Autism harms people

CW: ABA, Asperger's, IQ,

let's take a look at this article by an ABA practitioner which basically defends Asperger's as some kind of a superior diagnosis.

Note how it describes aspies as "more likely to be in normal or above-average IQ ranges." The diagnostic criteria is basically "speaks at a younger age" so this is some kind of recursion fallacy that reinforces IQ-based discrimination. In fact, IQ and practical skills are not related, and the standardized tests over-penalize non-verbal autistics. 

"commonly realize they are atypical and have a desire to adapt and fit in, contrary to the usual ASD patient who tends to exist primarily in their own world without regard to social norms." This is untrue. Non-asperger's autistics often desperately want to connect, and even when nonspeaking will use AAC and RPM and Twitter to do so.

"Asperger’s is commonly diagnosed between the ages of 4 and 11, much later than the standard autistic child, who is diagnosed before the age of 2." No mention of how race and gender impact diagnosis, including how the same symptoms will cause a "lower level" diagnosis in POC or be ignored entirely in white females, or how class impacts access to diagnosis altogether. Also no mention of adult diagnosis, regardless of difficulties faced. (user Autistitic was diagnosed at 24)

"As they grow up, they tend to improve, even without professional treatment." this erases continual struggles with basic needs such as sensory-appropriate environments, eating and dressing appropriately. No mention of difficulty with task management in the workplace, unless this is supposed to be a "social" issue. It doesn't talk about the stress or depersonalization of masking. It doesn't talk about the increased likelihood of suicide of all autistics.

"greater self-awareness makes them more cooperative in the treatment" blech. a lot of the difficulty ASD kids have is with motor control, not self-awareness. At it's best ABA seems like a program that teaches you how to mask. of course people who consent to the training will benefit more than people who don't. Basing a diagnosis on behavior isn't necessarily all that useful anyway.

Basically, to sum up, suggesting that there's a significant difference between Asperger's and ASD reinforces stereotypes that prevent Asperger's people from getting support and community and dehumanize intellectually disabled (ID) and nonverbal autistics. It entirely erases the unique difficulties and discriminations that autistics of color face, regardless of diagnosis. And, it implies that adults who function at all in neurotypical society do so without difficulty, further stigmatizing people who need help - which is everyone.